Group of companies in the corporate service sector

Develop and implement an ESRS-compliant sustainability strategy in a group of companies


Sustainability at the corporate group was not consistently aligned. Insufficient awareness of the CSR team and legal pressure from the CSRD made sustainability management even more difficult. There were isolated approaches to sustainability measures in the various business units, but without a strategic framework or prioritization.

Our approach

Following a thorough analysis of the status quo of sustainability activities, we determined the organizational maturity level in the area of sustainability and networked with the most important stakeholders within the group. The double essentiality analysis - the assessment of the sustainability topics prescribed by the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) - was also key. For this, we carried out a comprehensive mapping of internal and external stakeholders, in order to then obtain their views through quantitative and qualitative surveys. By working closely with internal communications, we were also able to use the survey to raise awareness within the organization and collect specific ideas from employees.

The result

On this analytical basis, we developed a Group-wide sustainability ambition and a comprehensive program of measures for all ESG dimensions. By working closely with the CSR team throughout the entire process, we ensured that the project also had a lasting impact from an enablement perspective and prepared the team for future sustainability reporting. By focusing on the ESRS, we have ensured connectivity between the sustainability strategy and the sustainability report.


  • Stakeholder mapping & prioritization
  • Quantitative & qualitative surveys
  • Status quo analysis of the degree of sustainability
  • Double essentiality analysis
  • Sustainability SWOT

Further projects

We are happy to receive project inquiries

Daniel Schlee,

Business Partner Sustainability Transition